Friday, 7 January 2011

SDU's Top 11 Albums of 2010! (#9)

Did you really think I wasn't coming back? Well, here's your #9 on the "Second Drawer Up's Top Eleven Albums of 2010" list. Oh, and it's a freaking doozy! I'm speaking of mash-up artist and party soundtrack maestro Girl Talk and the startlingly awesome piece of work he dropped in November, All Day.



What do you get when you take 373 songs from every different spectrum of popular music, and then painstakingly overlap them -- and, in doing so, manage to create a veritable masterwork of mash-up heaven at the same time? Well, when Pittsburgh DJ and producer (there's a lot of those on my top eleven list, aren't there?) Gregg Gillis -- better known as Girl Talk -- did just that, he created what is quite possibly the ultimate party track of all time: a sprawling, loopy, demented, and thoroughly booty-shakealicious 72-minute track All Day. Holy crap, what else can I say about Girl Talk's 5th album, except to say that it fucking rocks? Featuring a stunning 373 samples (a full list can be found here) from acts that run the spectrum from 2 Live Crew to U2, to Depeche Mode and Flock of Seagulls, to Black Sabbath and Ludacris, and Cyndi Lauper to Bruce Springsteen to 50 Cent, All Day simply does not stop. It just goes and goes and goes -- and frankly my advice to you is to put it on at a party. That'll do it. And due to the fact that Gillis didn't ask permission to use any of the sampled tracks on this, All Day is available for a free download. Yep, you heard me. Free. There's no excuse to not have this in your collection, so go on down to Mr Gillis's production company Illegal Art's (ha) website and download it, already! Do it. You'll thank me later. Once again, with feeling: It's free.

Here's the first segment of All Day, featuring Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" delivered with Ludacris' "Move Bitch (Get Out The Way)". Holy crap, this album is fucking amazing.

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