However, events of late have been preying at my mind. As anybody who knows me will vouch, I'm a nature buff - especially when it comes to our fine feathered friends. I've stalked beaches in NSW with an Australian pelican, I've roamed a park with wild and crazy grazing cockatoos, I've hung with bizarre (and trust me they are strange) mallards, and watched over a hummingbird nest built on a tree right outside my balcony.
I looked at these pictures today, and frankly my heart is broken. Words cannot describe how fucking disgusting, hurtful, and rending these photos are to me. I truly hope somebody goes to prison for these crimes ('cos that's what they are!) against ... against everything. The victims are not just the birds. We're talking about sea turtles, dolphins, snook, tuna, jellyfish, shrimp, sperm whales, sharks, and other such creatures. (Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the humans involved in this death trap - it's just that we have free will: We CHOSE to continue our addiction to oil.)
But, in keeping with the electronic reputation of my blossoming (I like to think!) blog, I'd like to put out a song that I think perfectly encapsulates my feeling for the oil behemoth who has currently drowned the dreams of the Gulf of Mexico in curlicued swirls of poisonous brown muck and destruction.
Behold, "Destroy Everything You Touch," by the one and only Ladytron.
Fuck you, BP.
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