Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Video Disturbeo: Vive La Fête.

picture: last.fm

Vive La Fête. Long live the party! Who wants to party? We all want to party!

I love a cute couple. Who doesn't? And I especially adore cute couples who make music together, and make it well. Arising on a wave of 80's nostalgia, pretty legs, and clever songs about parties, lovemaking, and general bacchanalia, Ghent, Belgium-based Vive La Fête (the lovely Els Pynoo on vocals, and her handsome paramour Danny Mommens (bassist for Belgian band dEUS) on guitar) sprouted like a lovely confetti-strewn flower from that odd little country and, within a few short years, conquered the fashion world.

Let me tell you - their shit is wild. Fun, humorous, and unpredictable, you'll never really be able to figure out where they're going next. Is the music going to be rocking out with its cock out? Is it going to be smooth and aching, like the best fucking groove-heavy dubby shit you've heard? Is it going to be balls-to-the-walls techno?

Shit, you never know. The one constant, I believe, is that Els and Danny are in love - not only with each other, but with taking the best of what each has to offer and flying off it, creating a quasi-universe of great sounding confectionary aurism (yes that's not a word, thank you very much, but I just made it up. Get used to it).

So it almost pains me a little bit to debut Vive La Fête for a new little feature I'm going to be doing from time to time on this blog: "Video Disturbeo." In these snippets, I'll be showcasing videos that are just a little bit shocking; a little disturbing, even. There may be violence. There might be blood. There might even be - gasp! - sex. But I guaran-fucking-tee you: It will always be interesting!

So let's get cooking! From their 2003 album Nuit Blanche, here is the track "Noir Désir." In this clip, we get to see the slow, horrible descent of a beautiful girl into the world of drugs, thievery, and despair. It doesn't end well, needless to say. Still - the music! Such a great mixture of great synths with powerful rock-n-roll guitars provide a fitting soundtrack to such a depressing video. Els has some serious pipes on her as well - great screaming! Enjoy, my friendly readers. I adore you all.

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